KEMAS KINI Beberapa hari yang lalu peristiwa 60 tahun yang lampau d peringati. Arab street sudah pasti tiada yang indah nak d kenang. Namun, pada yang "menang", ia terus mendapat dokongan.
Perjuangan mengekalkan Tanah Suci Al Quds kini d tukar. Sekadar isu penubuhan negara yang bernama Palestin. Malah isu negara Palestin juga cuba d adun dengan pergolakan dalaman antara Hamas dan Fatah menjadikan dunia meluat melihat percakaran antara mereka (sedangkan pertembungan ini adalah pertembungan dasar perjuangan dan Fatah menjadi boneka Barat).
Pencuri yang memasuki rumah d bela. Tuan rumah d hambat keluar. Polis dunia cuba mencari rumah baru buat tuan rumah asal, manakala orang ramai hanya mampu melihat - begitulah perumpamaannya.
60 tahun berdiri angkuh - rejim penyembelih Tel Aviv seolah terus mendapat sijil halal dunia. Entah berapa jiwa yang d bunuh secara kejam dalam menghalalkan tertegaknya rejim haram ini (gambar: Yahudi mengerumuni tentera British, merayakan keputusan PBB untuk menjuzukkan Palestin - memberi laluan tertegaknya Rejim haram ini)
Yang terbaru memberi pengiktirafan ini ialah calun Democrat yang kepingin menjadi Presiden Amerika November nanti. Yang mencuri d bela. Yang mangsa terpenjara!
Barrack Obama antara lain menyebut (petikan dari laman webnya):
As the festivities surrounding Israel’s 60th anniversary get underway, Israelis can be forgiven if they don’t feel in an entirely celebratory mood. With terrorism and rockets from Gaza, a serious threat posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions, hostages held by Hamas, and too many of its neighbors playing tired old games rather than working toward peace and security, Israel can at times feel like a nation facing enormous challenges.
It is, but is also much more than that. It is precisely at this moment that, despite the challenges, Israelis should take stock of what they have built, and their hearts should swell with pride. And it is also at this moment that Israel’s friends around the world should raise their voices in a chorus of support. Because Israel has more than just friends -- it also has legions of admirers. I am proud to be one, and I know that millions of Americans join me in saluting the State of Israel and its vast array of achievements over these past 60 years.
The 60th anniversary is also an ideal time to celebrate this special relationship between our two countries. Washington and Jerusalem not only share ideals and values, but we share common interests. The bond between Americans and Israelis remains unshakable. It is a tie that every American president (whether Democrat or Republican) has and will continue to uphold. Lagi d sini
Persoalannya, apakah isu Palestin-Israel ini tercetus hanya 60 tahun yang lampau? Apakah ianya hanya isu Timur Tengah? Apakah ianya hanya isu penjagaan stok minyak dunia?
Apakah ianya hanya isu penubuhan sebuah watan bernama Palestin?
Tiada nilai lagikah Al Quds? Lupakah ummat tentang keistimewaan Baitulmuqadis? Qiblat pertama ummat. Yang d buka semula oleh Umar Al Khattab. Tak ketinggalan keperwiraan Salahuddin Al Ayubi.
Sheikh Ali Tamimi (SAT - kini d penjara seumur hidup atas tuduhan palsu berkaitan terror) dalam salah satu sessi dialognya d UK pernah menyatakan isu ini adalah lanjutan dari isu siapa yang mewarisi kenabian selepas Nabi Ibrahim. Isu yang bermula lebih 4,000 tahun lalu (ianya juga d sentuh oleh Prof. Khuram Murad d sini).
SAT juga dalam sessi yang sama merungkai sejarah penubuhan Amerika, Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan ideologi kebanyakan Presiden Amerika. D rungkai juga mesej dalam Old Testament yang menjadi panduan golongan ekstremis Amerika (antaranya kisah Nabi Nuh menyumpah keturunan Kanaan - datuk moyang bangsa Arab).
Apa sejarah Yahudi d Eropah? Siapa yang menghambat Yahudi d Eropah? Kenapa tiba-tiba Yahudi d bela? Siapa yang membela? Apa kaitan Israel dengan British? Apa kaitan Protestan dan Amerika? Siapa yang membangunkan New England? Apakah ada nama selain dari Amerika d cadangkan? Kenapa terdapat banyak tempat d Amerika d namakan dengan nama-nama yang terdapat dalam Injil? Kenapa ada yang membela Yahudi hingga menempatkan mereka d Palestin? Apa tujuan sebenarnya? Kenapa Yahudi ortodoks menentang perancangan mengumpulkan Yahudi d Palestin/Israel? Apa signifikasi bendera rejim haraam ini dan simbol d pejabat PBB?
Seorang sahabat pernah berkongsi pandangan, SAT d tahan bukan kerana tuduhan yang d hadapinya. Sebab yang sebenar ialah "he spilled the bean!".
Dpetik dari sini:
"It seems that presidents like Reagan and Bush who have a foundation in the Bible have a better understanding of what Israel's role is in the world," said Helen Freedman, the executive director of American For a Safe Israel [AFSI], based in New York City.
"Israel is not meant to be a nation like all the other nations," she told NewsMax. "It's not meant to be absorbed into the Middle East or the Commonwealth of Nations. It is a nation that represents the biblical promise – the Promised Land, the chosen people, and its obligation to be a light unto the nations."
Reagan, Freedman said, was a president "we had heard woke up every morning and asked to do God's will – not his will, but God's will. We believe President Bush is somewhat on that track also.
D petik dari sini
Balfour’s famous speech of 1919 makes the point: “For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country…The four great powers are committed to Zionism, and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.”
D petik dari sini
The Iranian hostage crisis helped ensure Carter’s defeat against his Republican rival, Ronald Reagan. However, it was not the only factor: An estimated 20 million fundamentalist and evangelical Christians voted for Reagan and against Carter’s brand of evangelical Christianity that failed the test of unconditional support for Israel.
The power of the pro-Israel Republicans became a prominent feature during the Reagan years, with the president leading the way. On at least seven public occasions Reagan expressed belief in a final Battle of Armageddon. During one of his private conversations with AIPAC director Tom Dine, Reagan said: “You know, I turn back to your ancient prophets in the Old Testament and the signs foretelling Armageddon, and I find myself wondering if if we’re the generation that is going to see that come about.” The conversation was leaked to the Jerusalem Post and picked up across the US on the AP wire. This stunning openness displayed by an American president with the chief lobbyist for a foreign government indicated the close cooperation that had developed between the administration and Israel.
Percayalah, War on Terror yang kini seolah berpaksi d Timur Tengah bukan agenda sebenar. Hatta minyak juga bukan isu sebenar!
Ianya agenda aqeedah! Dan Al Quds menjadi tumpuan!
Baca juga:
Presiden Amerika dan Israel baca sini
Courting and Countering Christian Zionists baca sini
Roots of America-Israel Relationship sini